Miami Dance Futures, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to the support and growth of dance in Florida and New York. We encourage, promote, and assist young artists by providing administrative, financial, and technical support; commissioning new cross-cultural artistic works; advocating and sponsoring educational conferences; and developing new projects through cooperative ventures and innovative management. We provide opportunities for outstanding artists in the state to continue making contributions to their communities, even during these challenging times of living through a pandemic.

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Our Unity Statement
As a community of dancers, choreographers, directors, arts teachers and advocates we stand firmly against discrimination, institutional racism, and racial injustice. However, we recognize standing still, albeit passionately, is not what this moment calls for, as words are not enough. Instead, this is our cue to move with our black, indigenous, and people of color communities in solidarity toward a better tomorrow for our lives and our children’s future. We, as a dance community, share a collective pulse, and our broken hearts beat as one.
Our inherent knowledge of how to move together in a space, no matter how small or suffocating, will prove invaluable throughout the coming days and months, as we rise and sink together. Hand in hand, we will lift and support our brothers and sisters, and, with grace and dignity, balance on the precipice of what was, however painful, and what urgently needs to be.
We will amplify the voices of those who have been silenced, validating their truth and illuminating their beauty. Together, with love, through dance education, collaboration, creation, and performance, we will do better. We must do better. This is our plea: Unmask the injustice. Embrace our humanity. Find the breath and hope to create a new legacy for the next generation, one of empathy, endurance, and equality. We are all created equal.
Sponsoring Organizations

Our programs are supported in part by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners, the City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, and the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.

Equal Access Notice: Miami Dance Futures adheres to Miami Dade County and federal ADA policy requirements by ensuring that all activities and events are located in public and/or private facilities that fully comply with the American with disabilities act.